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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Hotel management: Kitchen:-

In culinary terminology ,the term food preparation and control refer to make the ingredients ready for preparation and cooking at the required quantity and quality simultaneously .This is a vital units ,which is structurally defined as the sub-department of food and beverage department nue in the hotel industry from the commercial view point ,it contributes major reveinany catering business.

It is one of the largest areas of food and beverage department comprising of various kitchen and their sections.The numbers of kitchen ,manpower and work officiency depend upon the size and type of the hotel,and the types of meal and service to be catered.there may be continental ,oriental,indian,italian,mexican etc. kitchen including ancillary sections. e.g.cold kitchen,butchery,still room,service areas etc .However ,this sub-department products the food that adopts the system of prepartion and controls,from the receipt of food supply to service of prepared food to the customers.


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