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Monday, July 12, 2010

Hotel management ; wine;-


Wine is a potable alcoholic beverage obtained from the fermented juice of fresh grapes .The fermented takes place in the district of origin according to local tradition and practice .The art of wine making is a very old one.Archaeologists claims to have discovered the evidences of the art of wine making dating back to the cultivation of vines. The characteristics of particulars wine are the result of the grapes /vine varieties grown in the vineyard.The species that produces graves suitable for wine production are known as 'vitisvinitira '.All varieties of vines planted in europe have evolved from the species through cross breeding ,to suit local soil and clims.

The favourable climatic conditions prevail in two main wine-producing
cones that lie between latitudes 50d.s n to 30d.s s of the equator .Three quarters of the world's wine is produced in europe and just under half of it in european community.Italy in the world's largest producer of wine whereas the world class wine is produce by france. Next in the order stands the former soviet republic,argentina,spain,usa,germanyand australia.

Factors that influence the quality of wine are:-
  • Climate
  • Nature of soil
  • Vine family and species
  • Methods of cultivation
  • Chemicals composition of the grapes
  • Yeast and fermentation
  • Skill of the wine maker
  • Methods of wine making
  • Ageing and maturation
  • Storage temperature
  • Mode of transportation


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