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Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Hotel management: Hotel Management:-

  1. Cleaning: Cleaning any surface of the hotel building and furnished is a sequential task that needs great deals of efficiency techniques and effort .Cleaning is an essential preliminary tank of an area that deals with the dust,dirt,debris,pests and germs,so as to make enviroment hygienic and safe.
  • Methods cleaning surface:
  1. Sweeping: it is a preliminary stage of cleaning floor surface it is done on daily basis.
  2. Dry dusting: this is a method of cleaning used remove dust from dry and smooth surface .it is a normally completed on daily basis.
  3. Damp dusting: this method is also carried out on daily is a used to remove dust from non-porous furniture ,fittings and shelves that can be cleaned by a moist methods.
  4. Mopping: it is usually a daily task with the exception of kitchen where sailed floors are normally cleaned at the end of each work shift.
  5. Scrubbing: these methods are usually processed on weekly or periodic basis.this will remove dull scuffmarks and keep the bard floor surface apper shiny and clean


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