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Monday, July 26, 2010

Hotel management:Non-alcoholic beverage:-

Non alcoholic beverage refers to non-intoxicating drinks or soft drinks ,which does not have a bit of liquor content by volume or yeast is not introduced to convert sugar into alcoholic during fermentation. They are soft drinks ,which can be had in the morning,canned or open liquid to night according to the choice and standard.They are bottled ,canned or open liquid to consume in any stage of the meal or without meal.The bottle or can are hygienically packed and sold out in a safe manner e.g.aerated water,mineral water,juice,squashes,syrups.

Non-alcoholic beverage has been sold and consumed by human as per there needs and requirement and no any bar law can restrict its sale as it does not have any intoxicating characters .Therefore,soft drinks can be sold or consumed in any time of the day or night ,and at any stage of the span of life.In catering industries ,the non-alcoholic beverage are essentially provide and served to the customer at break fast ,lunch and dinner with or without meals most people refer juice,lassi,shakes,tea,coffee and hot chocolate at the breakfast time.


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