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Thursday, July 1, 2010

Hotel management: Catering industry:-

The term catering refers to providing provision of food and beverage to the bona fide guest .It is organized by a group of catering and i.e. it is also termed as an industry .in catering,the caters to those people or group who are in a position to have and are able to receive the product and service simultaneously .it is a hospitally service industry that is primarily concerned and dedicated to meet the customer 'reqquirement at all times.The main function of catering establishment is to prepare various foods and drinks ,and serve them to the concerned in the appropriate hospitally manner.

the catering establishment are dedicated to provide quality standard product and service to all type of customers.Whether it is a simple drinks or a complete room meal package.the need to identify customers requirement is the same .It is for this reason possessing its own character ,quality of product and service according to its size ,location ,menu,equipments and efficiency of its service personnel.


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