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Sunday, July 4, 2010

Hotel management: Telephone Operation Exchange:-

  • With the development in techonology telecommunication has become quicker and more reliable means. In the modern times it is impossible to imagine hotel industry operating without a telephone exchange system. telephone is indispensable in the context of a modern business where rapidpace and individual contact are so important .In large and busier hotels a switchboard is placed in a seclude room where telephone operators are employed to deals with the numerous incoming and outgoing calls.the telephone etiquettes are as follows:-
  • be regular and punctual on job
  • always identify the name of hotels company or works area and yourself.
  • speak clearly into the receiver ,holiday the mouth piece about one inch away.
  • receiver and answer calls prompty.
  • never shot and sneeze into the receiver.
  • never put and think into the mouth e.g.chewing gum,nuts etc.
  • not leave a caller waiting on the line too long.
  • speak clearly and slowly ,and always be polite and helpful.
  • not use technical or unfamiliar words on telephone convertation.
  • advice the caller while transferring the call.


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