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Thursday, July 22, 2010

Hotel management: BEVERAGE

Beverage refers to any type of potable drinks except plains water.The terms beverage has been derive from the catin words "Bever"meaning rest or respond from works .In hospitally terminology it refers to any type of intoxicating and no intoxicating drinks which is hygienically consumed by human ,either to quench the thirst or for enjoyment ,refreshing,nourishment or relaxation ,as per the human need.In catering industries such as hotels ,restaurant,bars,pubs,canteens,either commercials or non commercials ,beverage is an essential liquid product and its sale definitely increase the revenue of any given establishment.During breakfast ,nourshing drinks ,like milks,fruit juice and malted drinks such as bournivita,horlicks,tea,coffee,hot chocolate,etc.go very well.At the brunch lunch ,soft or non alcoholic wine ,spirits and liqueurs are usually consumed for refreshment,relaxation and to stimulation the body.


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