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Monday, July 26, 2010

The layout of a commercial kitchen must be planned around an efficient and systematic flow of foods from receipt of good to the service of meals.The kitchen must ensure a cross over of food and cross -contamination is avolded. Worktop area of the kitchen should be adequate in size for the preparation,cooking and serving process.That is why kitchen should be designed in such a way that the food handlers have all equipment close to hand.But the kitchen staff should not hamper each other by having to cross each other"s track. .

Details concerning hot and cold water supply ,proper drainage,fuet supply point fluorescent lighting and naturals ventilation are important to any well-designed kitchen.Its floor must be built of hards flooring e,g.granite and it must be non-slippery ,impervious,easy to clean ,and resistant to heat damage and stains from food and cleaning agents.Tiled wall up to 5112ft. high from floor level of any kitchen must be considered.Exhaust/extractor fax and hoods should be fitted in correct position.A space of about 4112ft.from heavy equipment is desirable.Aisles must be adequate to enable staff to move safely.

Hotel management:Non-alcoholic beverage:-

Non alcoholic beverage refers to non-intoxicating drinks or soft drinks ,which does not have a bit of liquor content by volume or yeast is not introduced to convert sugar into alcoholic during fermentation. They are soft drinks ,which can be had in the morning,canned or open liquid to night according to the choice and standard.They are bottled ,canned or open liquid to consume in any stage of the meal or without meal.The bottle or can are hygienically packed and sold out in a safe manner e.g.aerated water,mineral water,juice,squashes,syrups.

Non-alcoholic beverage has been sold and consumed by human as per there needs and requirement and no any bar law can restrict its sale as it does not have any intoxicating characters .Therefore,soft drinks can be sold or consumed in any time of the day or night ,and at any stage of the span of life.In catering industries ,the non-alcoholic beverage are essentially provide and served to the customer at break fast ,lunch and dinner with or without meals most people refer juice,lassi,shakes,tea,coffee and hot chocolate at the breakfast time.

Hotel management:Alcoholic beverage:-

Alcoholic beverage is a potable liquid ,which has 2per. to 75percentage liquor content .They are produced by the ,introduction of yeast for fermentation into substance such as cereals fruits ,molasses and plant extract.

Technically,it is known ethyl alcoholic that from as the product of a chemical reaction in which yeast convert the glucose present in the cerels or molasses into alcoholic and carbon dioxide (co2) though there are other reaction taking place at the same time and that also influence the character of the finished beverage .Alcoholic beverage has been divided into three categories are:-
  1. Fermented alcoholic beverage
  2. Distilled alcoholic beverage
  3. Compound alcoholic beverage

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Hotel management: BEVERAGE

Beverage refers to any type of potable drinks except plains water.The terms beverage has been derive from the catin words "Bever"meaning rest or respond from works .In hospitally terminology it refers to any type of intoxicating and no intoxicating drinks which is hygienically consumed by human ,either to quench the thirst or for enjoyment ,refreshing,nourishment or relaxation ,as per the human need.In catering industries such as hotels ,restaurant,bars,pubs,canteens,either commercials or non commercials ,beverage is an essential liquid product and its sale definitely increase the revenue of any given establishment.During breakfast ,nourshing drinks ,like milks,fruit juice and malted drinks such as bournivita,horlicks,tea,coffee,hot chocolate,etc.go very well.At the brunch lunch ,soft or non alcoholic wine ,spirits and liqueurs are usually consumed for refreshment,relaxation and to stimulation the body.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Hotel management : BEVERAGE:-

Buying and selling of such alcoholic drinks and their quality ,quantity and brand rely upon the estiblishment standard ,policy and type of customer it cater to for e.g.large hotel,restaurants ,and bar provide various local and imported brands in large quantities to there customer who are in a fit position to receive physically ,mentally and economically.However ,small hotel and restaurant and bar only provide more of local and less of important drinks in small quanties by bottle ,glass or pegs.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Hotel management: Kitchen:-

In culinary terminology ,the term food preparation and control refer to make the ingredients ready for preparation and cooking at the required quantity and quality simultaneously .This is a vital units ,which is structurally defined as the sub-department of food and beverage department nue in the hotel industry from the commercial view point ,it contributes major reveinany catering business.

It is one of the largest areas of food and beverage department comprising of various kitchen and their sections.The numbers of kitchen ,manpower and work officiency depend upon the size and type of the hotel,and the types of meal and service to be catered.there may be continental ,oriental,indian,italian,mexican etc. kitchen including ancillary sections. e.g.cold kitchen,butchery,still room,service areas etc .However ,this sub-department products the food that adopts the system of prepartion and controls,from the receipt of food supply to service of prepared food to the customers.

Hotel management :Evolution of tourism:-

The gradual change and development of an idea ,situtation or object is referred to as evolution .Hence,evolution of tourism refers to the gradual development of the tourism activities from the past to present and perhaps it will continue in the future too.

Since,the beginning of human civilization in the world;travelling has been an on going event.The early man travelled for hunting and food gathering.Later,as society evolved ,travelling become prominent but become limited to trade ,pilgrimage,studies,migration,royal affairs and exploration rather than for pleasure and entertainment.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Hotel management ; wine;-


Wine is a potable alcoholic beverage obtained from the fermented juice of fresh grapes .The fermented takes place in the district of origin according to local tradition and practice .The art of wine making is a very old one.Archaeologists claims to have discovered the evidences of the art of wine making dating back to the cultivation of vines. The characteristics of particulars wine are the result of the grapes /vine varieties grown in the vineyard.The species that produces graves suitable for wine production are known as 'vitisvinitira '.All varieties of vines planted in europe have evolved from the species through cross breeding ,to suit local soil and clims.

The favourable climatic conditions prevail in two main wine-producing
cones that lie between latitudes 50d.s n to 30d.s s of the equator .Three quarters of the world's wine is produced in europe and just under half of it in european community.Italy in the world's largest producer of wine whereas the world class wine is produce by france. Next in the order stands the former soviet republic,argentina,spain,usa,germanyand australia.

Factors that influence the quality of wine are:-
  • Climate
  • Nature of soil
  • Vine family and species
  • Methods of cultivation
  • Chemicals composition of the grapes
  • Yeast and fermentation
  • Skill of the wine maker
  • Methods of wine making
  • Ageing and maturation
  • Storage temperature
  • Mode of transportation

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Hotel management:spring cleaning:-

Spring cleaning denotes through/complete cleaning of a given area or an object .it is carried out in regular intervals based upon the use of an area.Usually spring -cleaning is appropriate to carry out during slack seasons when the business is low.The flow chart of spring -cleaning of a guest room are as follows:-
  1. Ascertain the room to be spring cleaning .Co-ordinate the front office in time and block the room.
  2. Inform all the co-coording department and sections such as civil,plumping,carpet shampooing,electrical,electronic and pest control.
  3. Place the furniture at convenient position of the room and cover it with discarded linen if required,send the furniture for necessary repairs and mending.
  4. Roll away the carpet and arrange for stain. Treatments and carpet shampooing once the carpet is removed arrange for pest controls in the underlay.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Hotel management:Meaning:-


Hotel management there is nice unit of different type of different sectors such as :

In college 11 class student are study about ;-
  • Tourisim industry:- there is learn about, meaning of tourisims,type of tourisim, component of tourisims,rafting,treaking, mounting, etc.
  • House keeping:- meaning of house keeping,bed making procedure ,
  • Front office:-meaning of front office,

Thursday, July 8, 2010


Departure room is the one of ,which had been occupied the previous night and has been vacanted
on the current days.A room attended usually attend a departure room after attending the vacant rooms.The step by step procedure of departure room cleaning:
  • Ensure that the rooms doesn't have aDND cards on the doorknob or it is n't double locked.
  • Always knock the door with the knuckle of the index finger and announce "housekeeping "in spite of the fact that it is a departure room.
  • Open the door,switch off the air -conditioning and open the window and curtains.
  • Check for anything left or lost by the guest and any fatal damage or theft of hotel property.It found report the matter to the floor supervisor concern authority.
  • Check for any maintenance requirement and report the same to housekeeping controls desk.
  • Remove soiled food trays and trolley ,empty ashtrays and trash in the trash hamper.
  • Remove soiled linen from bedroom to bathroom by shaking each one of then individually to ensure that no guest valuables are trapped within the fold.
  • Take fresh linen and make the bed by following the bed making procedure .
  • Disinfect the mouth piece of the telephone with a disinfectant.
  • Clean the entire surface in single circular motions with a dry lint free duster.
  • Disinfect the bathroom always put a w/c band on the w/c to indicate that it has been properly disinfected for the guest personal use.
  • Replace3 stationery and guest room supplies as pre-sucribed by the management.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Hotel management: Hotel Management:-

  1. Cleaning: Cleaning any surface of the hotel building and furnished is a sequential task that needs great deals of efficiency techniques and effort .Cleaning is an essential preliminary tank of an area that deals with the dust,dirt,debris,pests and germs,so as to make enviroment hygienic and safe.
  • Methods cleaning surface:
  1. Sweeping: it is a preliminary stage of cleaning floor surface it is done on daily basis.
  2. Dry dusting: this is a method of cleaning used remove dust from dry and smooth surface .it is a normally completed on daily basis.
  3. Damp dusting: this method is also carried out on daily is a used to remove dust from non-porous furniture ,fittings and shelves that can be cleaned by a moist methods.
  4. Mopping: it is usually a daily task with the exception of kitchen where sailed floors are normally cleaned at the end of each work shift.
  5. Scrubbing: these methods are usually processed on weekly or periodic basis.this will remove dull scuffmarks and keep the bard floor surface apper shiny and clean

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Hotel management: Telephone Operation Exchange:-

  • With the development in techonology telecommunication has become quicker and more reliable means. In the modern times it is impossible to imagine hotel industry operating without a telephone exchange system. telephone is indispensable in the context of a modern business where rapidpace and individual contact are so important .In large and busier hotels a switchboard is placed in a seclude room where telephone operators are employed to deals with the numerous incoming and outgoing calls.the telephone etiquettes are as follows:-
  • be regular and punctual on job
  • always identify the name of hotels company or works area and yourself.
  • speak clearly into the receiver ,holiday the mouth piece about one inch away.
  • receiver and answer calls prompty.
  • never shot and sneeze into the receiver.
  • never put and think into the mouth e.g.chewing gum,nuts etc.
  • not leave a caller waiting on the line too long.
  • speak clearly and slowly ,and always be polite and helpful.
  • not use technical or unfamiliar words on telephone convertation.
  • advice the caller while transferring the call.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Hotel management :A Letter Requesting /Enquring Reservation of Accommodation:-

Date: 15th,2010
Mr.R.k bajaj,
(Room division manager)
Everest Hotel,
New baneshwor ,Nepal

Ref.Request for room reservation

Dear Mr. bajaj
Your hotel has been recommended

Hotel management

Hotel management definitely has the intrinsic potential grasp the student is interest because of its relevance to hospitaly .A dire need of trained hotel professional has always been felt in the content of Nepal . Lately hotel management has become an admirable professional which young boys and girls are proud its join and get trained for various levels and positions. This book is i;e, humble attempt to give a general idea to the student ,teachers and professional involved in the sphere of hotel trade and business.

A text book Hotel management part 2=fourth revised edition is a text book for basic curse in hotel management enriched with pratically dimensions .

Hotel management: Catering industry:-

The term catering refers to providing provision of food and beverage to the bona fide guest .It is organized by a group of catering and i.e. it is also termed as an industry .in catering,the caters to those people or group who are in a position to have and are able to receive the product and service simultaneously .it is a hospitally service industry that is primarily concerned and dedicated to meet the customer 'reqquirement at all times.The main function of catering establishment is to prepare various foods and drinks ,and serve them to the concerned in the appropriate hospitally manner.

the catering establishment are dedicated to provide quality standard product and service to all type of customers.Whether it is a simple drinks or a complete room meal package.the need to identify customers requirement is the same .It is for this reason possessing its own character ,quality of product and service according to its size ,location ,menu,equipments and efficiency of its service personnel.


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