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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Hotel Manegement

A hotel or inn may be defined as an estiblishment whose primary business is to provide lodging facilities for the general public .In the mean time ,it must provide one or more of the available facilities .Which include food and beverage service,room attendant service ,conuerge,bell and floor attendant service.Such service are provide to those who are in a fit condition to be received and have the capacity to pay for the service rendered.

The worde hotel may be formulated by the concept of hospitally service of which the primary objective is to provide lodge and foods to the people who are economically ,mentally and physically able to receive.There are many other properties in the field of hospitality business ,such as lodge,guest house,rest house ,restaurants but the concept of hotel is only regarded with the combination of all these activities.Hotel industries have scientifically been changed since,last five decades are:
  1. H-Hospitality
  2. O-Organization of
  3. T-Tourism activities for
  4. E-Eating and
  5. L-Lodging.


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