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Lijit search

Saturday, August 21, 2010


A restaurant is defined as "an eating house where refreshment and meals may be obtained payment:it is a modern term in english .It was gradully adopted into the english language after 1765 A.D.When Boulanger ,a french man in paris,served soup that he called "restaurant",which in english meant restarative.

Restaurant is a public place where meals and drinks can be found in different cuisine and service style.Its is layout hold account for the feature of its room ,external vistas,internal display and entertainment ,method of food service ,seat arrangements and type of furniture .the designs of table and chair must be considered in term of its total effect.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Hotel management;First phase:-

The first phase of tourism is refers to as the tourism before railways ,which represents the period before 1840A.D.Before the industries revolution travel was primarily undertaken for the purpose of trade and pilgrimage.

In the medieual period (12-17th century) the European had different rotion of travelling.


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